This white eyelet dress has quickly become one of my summer staple! It's a great dress to take from day to night by dressing it up with acccessories. I like it as an alternative to the little black dress for summer!

I've spent an action packed past 2 days immersed in orientation at Lands' End. It's been fascinating learning all about the company and their values. The headquarters is so welcoming & employees are insanely friendly. The customer service is unheard of (they hand write thank you notes to first time customers!? amazing). We were able to talk to designers, marketers, merchants, sourcers, distribution and everyone involved with the concept to product!

I'm so excited to get started in my department (Outerwear Merchandising). I have so much to learn and i'm excited for the opportunity. I feel lucky to get to spend my days surrounded by clothes! If you get a chance, check out their new line, Canvas; it's incredibly cute (see above)!
I'm adjusting to life as a Wisconsin girl slowly but surely though someone's already told me "they could tell I wasn't from around here"!
xoxo, lauren