Summer's Most Versatile Sandal

When it comes to my footwear, or pretty much clothes in general. I get bored pretty easily. I always want to mix and match and switch things up for a new look.

This becomes a major issue when traveling- because it's silly to have 4 pairs of shoes in one suitcase. That's why i Love the idea of Swappeez; sandals that let you swap out interchangable straps, buckles, and accessories for different looks.
Swappeez: Summer's Most Versatile Sandal
This is one of my outfit ideas for traveling, 3 different dress, one pair of interchangable shoes. The overpacker's perfect fix! I love the array of colors and mix and match options.


Swappeez sent me my own pair to test out, so watch for them in a future outfit post!

xoxo, lauren