Dad's Day DIY's

I've seriously got the best dad ever. He reads my blog daily- I love getting his "I liked your post today!" text messages). He wears converses and surfer shirts. He introduced me to Ferris Bueller and Top Gun. He supports me in EVERYTHING I do and have set out to accomplish in life. Love you Dad!
So, I know a lot of you that read my blog are poor college students/new to the work force like me. As much as I'd love to spend a ton on him for Father's Day I know it's just not realistic and he'd never let me. A Hallmark card is great, but I've got some much less expensive and more special Dad's Day D.I.Y. projects!

Mustache Mug for the Goofy Dad

Popcorn Tin for the Foodie Dad

Initial Cufflinks for the Well-Dressed Dad

Leather Camping Stool for the Outdoorsy Dad

Scrabble Art  for the Board Game Playing Dad
Tie for the Traditional Dad

What's your favorite thing about your dad?

xoxo, Lauren