One of my go-to outfits lately has been throwing on a colorful paid shirt & statement necklace- if i'm feeling extra bold, a pair of mint cords too! I love the combination of all of my favorite fall trends into one brightly hued outfit!
Check out my daily outfits on my la petite fashionista instagram!
This is my favorite interpretation of the plaid & statement necklace look- so simple, but boldly styled! The trick to wearing this trend is to either pick a neutral colored statement necklace, or one that ties into one of the colors in the plaid.

get the look: {plaid shirts:} aeropostale plaid shirt // j.crew boy plaid shirt // madewell plaid shirt // madewell flannel plaid // american eagle western shirt // madewell popover
{statement necklaces:} wet seal statement piece // deb red necklace // yellow bubble necklace // layered gold chain necklace // h&m gem necklace // flower collar necklace
What's your favorite plaid pick? And admit it- how big is your statement necklace collection? (I love them! such an easy way to dress up an outfit).
xoxo, lauren